Thursday, May 31, 2012

Why is Protein Important for the Body?

Proteins are compounds that consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. They are produced on the ribosomes of a cell and made up of amino acids that are linked by a peptide bond. However, all of this is biology of anatomy and to the common person it doesn’t mean very much. To the individual passerby a protein is understand by the food sources that represent it such as meats, eggs, dairy, seeds, nuts, and legumes. Most people know that protein is a necessary part of their diet and some people even know that it helps in building muscle. But most people have no idea how important protein is to the body.  Read more...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Prevent Yourself From Getting the Flu

            Feeling rundown, sneezing, coughing, or fatigued? All are symptoms of the flu, a contagious virus that usually spreads throughout the population during the late fall through early spring. The US experiences annual outbreaks of the seasonal flu however other variations include H1N1, bird flu and swine flu. Although many people who experience the flu recover after several sick days, certain groups of people are at higher risks for complications including death. Read more...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Take Charge of Your Health

In today’s fast paced world, many people are eating unhealthy, not getting enough exercise, and getting too little sleep. Smoking, drinking, environmental pollutants, and chemically altered foods have increased the risk for diseases and conditions, which are now plaguing our society. It is vital to your health, not only physically but spiritually and mentally too, to take a look at your actions and make healthy changes, before its too late. Better health means making the appropriate time to exercise, eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, preparing healthy meals, relaxing, having fun and giving yourself down time. Otherwise you can get caught up in your life, which can lead to deterioration in your health. Read more...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Stress & The Healthy Ways to Deal With It

Humans experience stress on a daily basis, at work, home, with any experience or emotion. Stress isn’t necessarily bad for you. It is all in how one reacts to stress. For one stress may be overwhelming where as the same stress can cause another to be inspired. Stress can lead to disease or quite the opposite growth and healing. Read more...

Natural, Easy Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Teeth whitening is no longer a procedure for movie stars and Hollywood actresses. The ability to get bright, white teeth is available to the average person. Throughout time our ideology has told us that a dazzling smile with white teeth is the mark of a beautiful person. It is everyone’s desire to achieve this type of beauty. Over the past decade the production of over the counter, at-home teeth whitening kits has made this a possibility. Unfortunately, whitening strips, trays, pens and gels are just not as effective as laser bleaching or power whitening that is done by professional dentists. Additionally, all of these whitening procedures have a risk of damaging your teeth. Read more...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Since 2000 BC white teeth have been the mark of beauty and a sign of wealth. Not unlike our ancestors, we share this vain ideology that a sparkling smile will make us more beautiful, more attractive and more valuable. Teeth whitening has only appeared within the main stream about two decades ago even though it has been around for thousands of years. Primarily only applied by dentists, teeth whitening much like many other cosmetic and beauty procedures has exploded onto the do-it-yourself and at-home scene. Like so many of its predecessors, teeth whitening done by a professional initially was very expensive and is still the most expensive way to whiten your teeth. Due to its costliness, manufacturers developed bleaching strips, bleaching pens, bleaching gels, teeth whitening kits, whitening trays, brush on whiteners, and whitening toothpastes. With so much variety in bleaching your teeth, how do you choose which to use and is it even safe? Read more...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Secrets to Eliminate Your Food Cravings When Trying to Lose Weight

One thing that people who are trying to lose weight struggle with is the cravings they have for sweets, candies, or chips that they know is bad for them. When people make the decision to try to lose weight through diet and exercise they normally put themselves on some kind of restrictive or habit changing diet. Because humans are habitual creatures it tends to take at least a week if not longer to change ones habit or create a new habit. Ultimately, in the realm of dieting this leads to cravings for those foods that we love so much, such as sweets or high fatty, processed foods. Unfortunately, when we give into the temptation of our cravings, we lead ourselves astray of the goals to lose weight. In most cases this leads to thoughts of self-doubt and disappointment and in some cases it can lead to quitting the challenge to lose weight. Read more...

Lycopene in Tomatoes are Used for Anti Aging

Tomatoes are a widely known fruit all around the world for the acidic flavor and bright red coloring. Originating in South America, tomatoes began to spread during the Spanish colonization and are known and grown worldwide. Tomatoes are used extensively in the kitchen in both raw and cooked forms and are used for all different types of dishes. Even still, tomatoes are packed with powerful vitamins and minerals and full of fiber. The tomato is a powerful antioxidant that can be used in anti aging treatments and skin care regiments on a daily basis. Easily accessible, inexpensive and low in calories the tomato makes itself a powerful player that stands up against all the other anti aging remedies available on the market today. Read more...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sore Throat is the First Sign of Cold & Flu Season

During the months of September through February when the temperatures are particularly cold in most parts of the world, colds and the flu run rampant. Although you can catch a cold or flu at any time throughout the year, it is more prevalent when the temperature seems to dip. Unfortunately, there has been no discovery on why this phenomenon is but scientists have some theories. Researches postulate that during the colder seasons people stay indoors more often which allows for closer contact between people, which increases the likelihood of transmission of the cold or flu. Additionally, colder air also means drier air. When the air is dry the mucus membranes in the body also dry, which is the primary means of how the body eliminates virus particles. Also virus and bacteria can harden and live within the respiratory tract much like a spore would when the temperature is cold. Furthermore during winter month’s people are exposed to little if no sun, which helps in our production of vitamin D. With a decreased production of vitamin D our body’s immune system is more susceptible to virus and bacteria that is in the air and on exposed surfaces. Read more...

Tomato Skin Care Remedies

The tomato is typically known for being used in kitchen as one of the widely known fruits, brightly red in color and comes in all shapes and sizes. Tomatoes are used in salads, sandwiches, pastes, sauces, juices and many different prepared dishes. However, did you know that tomatoes are an inexpensive and easy to find remedy for skin care. With a wide array of versatility, color, flavor and nutrition the tomato can treat many different skin conditions and problems. Read more...

Why Lips Become Chapped?

The feel and look of chapped lips is never a sensation that you want to experience. Unfortunately, chapped lips occur more frequently than most people would think. Our lips are one of the most vulnerable membranes that are exposed to all of the elements, making the lips more likely to become chapped, cracked or infected. The lips have only a very think film of natural oils that protect them. Therefore it this layer of protection is removed or damaged, moisture is lost from the lips and can cause chapping. Read more...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Over the Counter & Prescription Allergy Medications

Millions of people are affected by allergies a year. Everyone who has allergies experiences different symptoms congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sniffling, coughing, red, itchy eyes, and swelling.  Depending upon your symptoms will determine your treatment plan. There are several types of treatments available, alternative, home remedies, over the counter medicines and prescription medications. Not every treatment will work for everyone. You need to determine which treatment path works best for you. Medications are available to treat all the symptoms that coincide with allergies. There are even combination medications that will treat several symptoms at once. Read more...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tips to Keep Your Teeth White

When you smile the first thing that other people see are your teeth. So if your teeth aren’t as white as you would like them, you probably avoid smiling or showing your teeth. White, sparking teeth have become a sign of beauty in today’s society. However, this trend has been along time coming. In ancient Egypt white teeth were a sign of beauty and wealth. Now it is something that everyone desires especially due to the overabundance of food, drinks and bad habits that can stain deteriorate and destroy your teeth. If you are looking to preserve that dazzling smile and keep your teeth white here are a few tips to maintain your pearly whites.  Read more...

Natural Treatments to Prevent Cracked Lips

Why do our lips become chapped? The main reason that our lips become chapped is due to moisture loss. The lips are a very sensitive, thin layer of skin that is susceptible to the damages from the outside environment. The lips have a very thin layer of natural oil that protects it from injury. However, this layer of protection is easily removed, damaged or lacking which causes infection, cracking, bleeding or swelling. Chapped lips are very unappealing but can also be painful and tender if swollen or bleeding. The best way to reduce chapped lips is to restore moisture to the lips as quickly as possible. Keeping lip balms, and lip moisturizers on hand are ideal to eliminate chapped or dry lips. Here are some natural ways to keep your lips moist and beautiful! Read more...

Natural Herbal Treatments for ADHD

  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can affect both children and adults alike. Normal ADHD appears in early childhood as hyperactivity, distraction, restlessness, impulsiveness and poor concentration. Although it is becoming more commonly diagnosed, there are some circumstances where children experience mild symptoms and go undiagnosed. These symptoms can become more prevalent in adulthood as life becomes more chaotic and more demands are placed upon you. In the past symptoms of ADHD were not treated as a disorder rather kids were labeled as a dreamer, a goof-off, a slacker, or a troublemaker. Typical treatment for ADHD involves prescription medication as well as family therapy to understand and manage the disorder. Medical prescriptions such as Ritalin, Concerta and Adderall although proven safe have caused some addictive and mind altering effects in children, which make parents shy away from medical treatments.  Natural treatments are safer, effective and reliable to calm the symptoms of ADHD. Here are some natural herbal treatments that parents may turn to when treating their children with ADHD. Read more...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Aloe Vera

Do you remember what your mother put on your sunburn when you were younger to help ease the burn? Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera is a plant that resembles a cactus that has a clear gel within its leaves that can be used for external application or the base of the dried leaf has yellow sap that can be taken internally for additional ailments. Aloe Vera is known to be a succulent plant. This means that it retains water in its leaves, stems and roots, and grows in arid climates. Read more...

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Acne

            Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been around for more than 2000 years and is effective at treating several skin conditions including acne. Acne is a skin condition that affects approximately 60% of the American population. Although the cause of acne is unknown, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes are believed to be related to the cause of acne skin conditions. Acne is more prevalent in males and can be aggravated by sweating, oral contraceptives, poor skin hygiene, cosmetics, face creams, exercise, and lack of sunlight. Traditional Chinese philosophy believes that an imbalance in the body, mind or spirit can cause physical symptoms of disease. The TCM believes that an excess of internal heat and dampness causes acne and the symptoms of acne. To alleviate acne you must clear the heat and drain the dampness from the body. Read more...

The Difference Between Adult & Childhood ADHD

There are very few diseases or disorders that are diagnosed in children and don’t carry over into adulthood. ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of those disorders that is usually diagnosed early on in childhood and persists throughout the persons life. It is a myth that as we become adults ADHD just disappears or goes away. In most cases the person will have some if not all the same symptoms in adulthood as they did in childhood. Even though diagnoses of ADHD in children have increased over the last decade, there are many cases that go undiagnosed. Some children are able to cope with mild symptoms and therefore they aren’t diagnosed until later on in life. Either way, most adults who are diagnosed with ADHD have had some types of symptoms all their life. Read more...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why is Water so Important?

Water is tasteless, odorless, and colorless to the senses but the most important nutrient for the human body. It may be transparent but it is vital to the existence of human beings. Water makes up about 70% of our body’s mass but can vary depending upon the size of an individual. Water is involved in every bodily function whether it is used as a solvent, made as a byproduct, or essential to the metabolic process. Water is constantly being expelled from the body through urination, respiration, sweating and digestion therefore it is essential to replenish the water in our body daily. It is recommended to ingest 2 liters of water per day through food, beverages and metabolism to avoid dehydration. However the old adage of drinking 8 glasses of water per day has no scientific basis. The amount of water that any one person needs to intake is dependant upon their levels of activity, temperature, humidity and digestion. Therefore anywhere from 1-7 liters of water maybe needed to be replenished upon a daily basis. Read more...

The Myths & Facts About ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has been widely debated over for the last couple of decades as more and more children are being diagnosed. Some people think that people with ADHD are lazy, stupid and lack will power, however ADHD has been recognized by the National Institute of Health and the US department of Education as a biologically based disorder. Most often ADHD is diagnosed in children however since 1978 adults have been formally diagnosed with adult ADHD as well. This is undeniable especially since most children who are diagnosed with ADHD will grow up with the same disorder. To better understand ADHD in its entirety you need to understand what is myth and what is fact. Read more...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Reduce the Signs of Aging with Castor Oil

As we age the unavoidable signs of aging seem to creep up on us. Although aging is a natural part of our genetic makeup, as humans we have been trying to slow the progression of aging for some time now. Anti aging products, treatments and procedures are all the rage making it a booming market. Wrinkles are undoubtedly the most noticeable sign of aging however age spots, skin tags, and gray hair also accompanies them. Over time the skin thins which causes the skin to be less elastic and more fragile therefore the formation of wrinkles occurs more easily. Additionally the skin is more likely to bruise and with less natural oil production the skin dries out easier. Unfortunately, the cause of the signs of aging cannot only be blamed on our genetics. Stress, body imbalances, disease, sun exposure and smoking all are factors that contribute to advanced signs of aging. Consequently, anti aging treatments are available in all forms, grades and locations. Read more...

Natural Metabolism Boosters

As we age our metabolism slows down. However some people naturally have a slower metabolism due to their genetic makeup. A slow metabolism can be the cause of extra weight gain or fat storage in the body. Metabolism is dependent on several factors not just genetics including age, gender, physical condition, fat and muscle in the body. In spite of this there are always ways to boost your metabolism at any point throughout your lifespan.  Read more...

Before Medication, First Try ADHD Self Help

After being diagnosed with ADHD, educating yourself with the knowledge about ADHD and gaining the support of your family and friends is crucial. Developing manageable solutions to your specific problems will help you through your challenges. While most people who are diagnosed with ADHD as adults have had issues with underachievement and low self-esteem throughout their life, diagnosis of the problem is the first step to finding a solution. Although a diagnosis of ADHD comes with its own list of symptoms, determining which symptoms you can use to your own advantage and which symptoms you need to learn to control will be your greatest accomplishment. Because most people who have ADHD are quite intelligent, its just learning how to use your creativity, passion and energy to encourage yourself to live a happier, healthier life. Read more...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Prevent & Heal Split Ends

        Split ends can be a girl’s worst nightmare. Split ends can be caused by a normal everyday hair care routine that includes blow drying, flat ironing, or curling ironing hair, but coloring, perming, or professionally treating your hair can also cause them. Even the weather can cause hair to frizz up allowing hair to split at the ends. Split ends describe the feathering, splitting or fraying of the hair shaft due to excessive heat or mechanical stress. When the hairs protective layer, the cuticle is raised due to heat, harsh chemicals, and stress the hair is more susceptible to splitting. The only way to cure split ends is to trim your hair, however there are ways to prevent and temporarily heal your split ends. Read more...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Supportive Treatment for People Who Suffer With ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be a debilitating, self-conscious disorder that can encumber your life. If you are diagnosed with ADHD in adulthood, then more than likely you have had ADHD all your life. Either you coped with your symptoms throughout childhood or you were misdiagnosed or labeled by your parents and teachers. Either way, as an adult, it is almost impossible to deal with the symptoms of ADHD on your own. Once diagnosed self-help techniques can manage and structure you life to minimize the symptoms that you experience. However, if self-help doesn’t work, or you are still having problems with your relationships, work, financial, physical or mental health then its time to seek additional support. Most often than not people who suffer from ADHD use one, some or all forms of outside support to help manage their life and the symptoms they experience. By seeking support from behavioral counseling, individual therapists, self-help groups, educational assistance, or even through medication you can cope with the daily stress and maintain control of your life. Read more...

Anti Aging Inside & Out With Antioxidants

           Beautify your skin from the inside and the outside. Anti aging is best fought on two fronts, the outside through our skin and the inside on a cellular level. Aging occurs due to free radicals which damage our cells and cause fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, dark spots, and broken veins. Free radicals are caused by exercise, smoke, stress or even the metabolism of our food into energy. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals preventing damage to all the cells in the body including our skin. Maintain healthy, beautiful, youthful looking skin by giving your body antioxidants from the inside and out. Read more...

Benefits to Become Fitter & Healthier

Most people want to lose weight but feel they don’t have the time, money or effort to put into a regular exercise routine. The fact of the matter is that exercise should be included in everyone’s daily routine. Becoming healthier and more fit has so many benefits on the body that there should be no excuse not to exercise. Exercise and diet are the cornerstones of becoming healthy. Health is the level of functionality and metabolic efficiency in the body. Therefore all of the body’s cells, tissues and organs and bodily functions are impacted by the amount or lack of exercise and nutrition we receive on a daily basis. Read more...

Why Aerobics Are So Good For You

Aerobic exercise has been around since the 1980’s and has benefited the exercise community by strengthening the body, improving circulation, and increasing performance. Aerobic exercise was obsolete before 1978 when exercise was about strength and resistance training by building muscles. However, people realized that strong muscles didn’t equal best athlete. Performance suffered due to the lack of oxygen and increased muscle mass. Aerobic exercise requires the use of oxygen for the body to generate energy. Due to the increased period of time of exercise the body increases the circulation and transportation of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This allows for longer endurance during competition. Although, aerobics are not only good for performance, they benefit the body as well. Read more...

Vitamin E is Good For Your Skin

Vitamin E is one of the essential vitamins that the body needs to maintain proper function. It plays a key role in cellular structure and the formation of DNA, RNA and red blood cells. As an antioxidant it neutralizes free radicals that can cause wrinkles, age spots and fine lines. It also protects against ultraviolet rays, pollution, drugs, radiation and smoke that can oxidize cells and change their cellular structure to cause signs of aging and disease. Vitamin E makes the skin look younger and more beautiful. Read more...

Thursday, May 3, 2012


The Best 8 Aerobic Exercises

When most people think of aerobic exercise they think of the classes called aerobics that involves a rhythmical routine that is taught at the gym. Although this is definitely aerobic exercise there are many other aerobic exercises that should be mentioned when considering any exercise routine. Aerobic exercise is any exercise that uses oxygen as fuel to sustain activity. Aerobic exercise elevates the heart rate, increases circulation and usually lasts for an extended period of time. Aerobic exercises can be done indoors or outdoors depending upon the specific exercise. Some indoor aerobic activities include stair climbing, elliptical, indoor rower, stair master, stationary bike, treadmill, housework and aerobic classes. Outdoor activities include skiing, cycling, skating, jogging, walking, football, and rugby. Some exercises such as kickboxing, jump roping and swimming can be done in or outdoors. Aerobic exercises can be differentiated into low and high impact activities. Low impact includes walking, swimming and stair climbing where as high impact include running, football, tennis and dance. Here you can find the eight top aerobic exercises to try out. Read more...

Vitamin E Helps With Anti Aging

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the signs of aging not only externally but internally as well. The first signs of aging appear on your skin such as wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, age spots and stretch marks. Unfortunately they are unsightly and most people would prefer to remove them. However, what most people don’t realize is that even as our age skins the inside of our body is aging too. After you reach 30 many of our bodily functions start to slow down and once you reach 40 you start to notice these signs more prevalently. Less energy, increased weight gain, higher cholesterol, higher blood pressure, less flexibility, and weakness are just some of the signs of aging. Additionally the risk for many diseases also increases as we age. However, to combat the signs of aging both internally and externally making sure you get your recommended daily allowance of vitamin E you can slow the progression and reduce these signs significantly. Read more...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fight Facial Wrinkles With These 3 Remedies

           As we get older the signs of aging creep up on our face with sagging jowls, forehead wrinkles, crows feet, brow lines, sagging eyelids, etc. Do you want to erase these signs of aging? Some cover up the wrinkles with makeup tricks, others pay big bucks to remove these lines professionally, and still more use crease smoothing at home tips. Whatever you choose as your anti aging solution know the products and how to use them.  Read more...

The Advantages of Taking a Multivitamin As You Get Older

Do you take a multivitamin? Why should you take a multivitamin? Are all multivitamins the same? These are all questions that you should ask before beginning taking a multivitamin. Multivitamins are becoming a more widely taken vitamin and mineral supplement that people use to supplement their diet. It was not until recently that more doctors have been recommending to take a multivitamin in your diet. Although, multivitamins should not replace whole foods but be part of a healthy diet. Multivitamins can bridge the gap between the foods that we eat and the nutrients that our bodies are lacking. Read more...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Green Tea - Healthy Or Unhealthy?

For several years green tea has been toted as the most beneficial beverage besides water, however its benefits are still unproven and the FDA denies any evidence supporting green tea health benefits. On the other hand, doctors, nutritionists and other health care professionals are all vocalizing their recommendations of green tea. For the past several years additional research studies have been done to prove the benefits of green tea however, there is skepticism of the results because of the studies being done in Japan and China where the people have been drinking green tea for thousands of years. Although, the most recent studies show promising effects on heart disease, cancer, lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes, stroke and dementia. Read more...

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