With so many options of beverages to drink now a days, water is still the healthiest option out there for our health. Why is water so important? For several reasons. The
human body is approximately 70 percent water. We lose water through
perspiration, aspiration and respiration. This water needs to be
replenished or else you become dehydrated, which can lead to nausea, headaches, dizziness, disorientation, fatigue, sluggishness, abdominal cramps, muscle cramps, and dry mouth. Read more...
Although the concept of eating raw food has been around since the 19th century, it is only in the past decade or so that the raw food diet has become more popularized by actors, chefs, nutritionists, and authors. Raw foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are filled with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants,
enzymes, fiber, which are not only great for your health but they do
wondrous things for your skin. The nutrients are delivered through the
blood to our cells, resulting in cleaner blood and healthier cells, by
flushing out the toxins. These raw foods help to clear complexion,
diminish wrinkles and brighten appearance, which in turn makes you look younger, with softer, firmer and glowing skin. Read more...
With so many
options for food to eat now a days, it’s easy to grab something quick
and easy. The problem is that although these foods usually taste good,
they are usually high in calories and have no nutritional value. Real
food is better for you because it is healthy. They contain more
nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein and more. Plus the foods on this list tend to be cheaper. Read more...
Coconuts and their counterpart’s coconut water and coconut oil are on the fast rise in the health and beauty industries,
being touted as a cure all. Although, the benefits of coconut oil are
still being researched and cannot be definitively stated by the American
Heart Association (AHA) or the US Governments Dietary Guidelines, the
benefits of coconuts can be seen in the populations such as the
Tokelauans in the South Pacific who consume coconuts as a dietary
staple. So if coconuts are beneficial to our health, so should its counterpart, coconut oil. Read more...