Looking for a way to boost your metabolism? Why not start by eating more protein.
Our body uses protein to build muscle and muscles burn more than double
the amount of calories than fat does. When you have more muscle than
fat in the body your metabolism stays higher giving you more energy. Plus as we age the first thing to go is muscle mass, making us weaker and more prone to accidents. If
you increase your protein intake, you will boost your metabolism, burn
calories and create stronger, leaner muscles. Here are some prime
choices of food packed with protein.
Want a workout that
will burn a ton of calories and workout every muscle in your body? Then
head to the pool or your nearest body of water. We’re talking about
swimming. It’s no wonder that swimmers have long, lean bodies. Read more...
Crow’s feet also known as squint lines or worry lines appear around the corner of the eyes. These wrinkles can appear often as the first signs of aging
as we lose elastin and collagen in the skin. Elastin is the elastic
fibers which allow the skin to stretch and collagen is the protective
protein that gives skin its structure. Without these two important
compounds our skin can sag and create wrinkles.
Stress seems
to be a normal part of daily life. But what most people don’t know is
that too much stress can have a negative impact on your health and body.
Stress can cause cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral
symptoms. Stress can appear differently for everyone for example
moodiness, tightened muscles, memory problems, nausea, anxiety, etc.
It’s important to recognize how you respond to stress. When you start to
see the stress symptoms appear then it’s time to take a stress break.
Whether you have 5 minutes or 60 minutes, doing one of these activities
can help to calm you. Find out what stress busting activities helps to
squash your stress levels.
Anyone who has tried to lose weight, knows it is not easy. It takes motivation,
will power, self control, and determination. Not to mention it takes
change. To successfully drop the weight you need to change your
lifestyle habits. You cannot continue to eat the same way or do the same
things because that won't change anything. If you really want to lose
weight you need to impose healthy habits not only with eating but with
exercising too.
The human diet has always been made up of fruits and vegetables.
Mankind has depended upon nature to provide it with a natural source of
food. But as humans developed so did the ability to create cheaper
processed food. Unfortunately these cheaper food sources such as canned,
boxed or frozen foods don't contain the same vital nutrients that
natural fruits and vegetables provide. And thus the influx of lifestyle diseases such as Alzheimer's,
asthma, atherosclerosis, cancers, cirrhosis, COPD, diabetes, heart
disease, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, stroke, depression, and
Top supplements on the market today and how they better your health, what they do for the body. Read more...
do you do when your body starts to catch up to your age? Or worse when
your body starts to look older than you actually are. In America anti aging
is a billion dollar industry. That's because no one wants to get older.
So we try to put it off as much as possible, before it's inevitable. So
if you start to notice one of these signs of aging you can tackle it before it gets out of control. Read more...
We all age, it's just a fact of life. Most people try to erase, hide, or
diminish the signs of aging as soon as they appear. That's why plastic
surgery, Botox, anti aging remedies and beauty products are in such high
demand. But the signs of aging don't just include sagging skin and
wrinkles. Here are the nine most common signs of aging. Read more...
Thousands of people start an exercise routine every year and stop before
they even reach their fitness or weight loss goals. Why do they quit
before reaching their potential? Some think its too hard, they don't see
the results they want and get discouraged, while others have
unrealistic expectations. If you are starting a new workout routine or
you have reached a plateau in your current fitness routine, use these
tips and tricks to keep yourself going on a path to success. Read more...
Create optimal health with the food that you eat. You’ve heard the saying “You are what you eat”. Why do you think so many people now a days are suffering from lifestyle induced diseases? Maybe because we ingest high fat, high sugar, highly processed foods and don’t get enough exercise. A hundred years ago these diseases didn’t even exist, but then again neither did McDonald's or Starbucks. The
food that you eat has the power to heal you or make you sick and it’s
your choice on if you would rather be healthy or dead. Read more...