You feel the headache coming on and you know that it’s time for your period. An overwhelming majority of women get menstrual headaches before, during and after their period/cycle. Menstrual headaches can be debilitating and because of the necessary changes and hormone fluctuations within a woman’s body during that time of the month it’s almost impossible to prevent these types of headaches. While over the counter (OTC) and prescription medications can alleviate the symptoms, they do nothing for treating the cause of menstrual headaches or prevention of the symptoms. Read more...
It’s that time of the month again because you’re experiencing headaches, fever, nausea, abdominal pain or even low back pain. Most women, some 60-75% experience headaches related to their menstrual cycle. And unlike a regular headache, menstrual headaches can be severe and don’t respond to regular headache cures. This is because menstrual headaches are usually caused by vascular constriction which is caused by high levels of estrogen in the body. Read more...