Whether you want to improve your health, maintain your health, or you aren’t concerned with your health presently, knowledge about health is important. Learning ways to maintain health and prevent illness will benefit you throughout your entire life.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Best Antioxidant Rich Foods
For years research has been uncovering the many benefits of antioxidants. Antioxidants help to combat heart disease, cancer, reduce blood pressure and slow the effects of aging. These small molecules fight harmful free radicals within the body that can damage and kill cells, which cause disease. Although antioxidants can be synthesized within the body, in most cases they must be consumed through your diet. By consuming a combination of whole foods and disease fighting antioxidants you can stave off disease and maintain a healthy optimal functioning body. Read more...
Strengthen Your Core With Stability Ball Exercises
Friday, December 30, 2011
Relieve Your Stress With Mind Body Exercises
Although most people feel they don’t have time to exercise, or don’t think they need to exercise, what they don’t realize is that exercise is an essential part of a healthy life style. Exercise is key to controlling weight management, protecting against various diseases and stress management. Exercise is a great stress reducer because the body releases endorphins, which are, feel good hormones. When released into the body endorphins increase energy, improve mood and make you feel better, all three of which help to eliminate stress. By choosing an exercise that you enjoy you can further reduce your stress. If you’re nervous, afraid or scared of looking stupid then you can actually worsen your stress rather than diminish it. Read more...
Stop a Weight Loss Plateau from Occurring
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Inflammation, The Body's First Line of Defense
Have you ever experienced red, painful, swelling in a body part? This reaction in the body is called inflammation. Inflammation is a normal response by the body to start the healing process. Inflammation can occur for many reasons and be classified as chronic or acute. Although the body regulates inflammation automatically, chronic inflammation can lead to a host of additional diseases. Therefore inflammation should be closely monitored to make sure it doesn’t persist longer than necessary. Read more...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
The Best Anti-Inflammatory Foods for Your Health
Inflammation is the body’s protective response to irritation, injury, or infection. However, chronic inflammation can be aggravated by excess weight and the food that we eat. Fat tissue secretes chemicals and hormones, which cause and increase inflammation. Foods that increase blood sugar also increase inflammation. This includes processed sugar, high glycemic starches, refined white flours and saturated fats. Therefore when looking to decrease inflammation an anti-inflammatory diet is essential. Avoid junk food, high fats, fast food, and sugars. A diet high in vegetables, low in carbohydrates and saturated/trans fats promotes anti-inflammatory properties. Here is a list of anti-inflammatory foods to add to your diet. Read more...
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Home Hair Care Remedies That Won't Break The Bank
Monday, December 26, 2011
Smoothie Ingredients To Build Muscle & Boost Weight Loss
Smoothies are a great way to start your day or even as a snack through at your day. Additionally, smoothies can be used as a meal replacement for busy people who are on the go. The great thing about smoothies is that they are loaded with nutritious ingredients that boost brainpower, increase your energy levels, build muscle, burn fat, promote weight loss and help your heart. However, when purchasing pre-made smoothies you don’t know all of the ingredients, added sugars, or extra calorie content to boost your nutritional value and get a great smoothie flavor. The best way to maintain the integrity of your smoothie is to make it yourself. Choose from this list of healthy smoothie ingredients. Read more...
Get Better Sleep Today
Sleeping is a necessary part of life that allows our brains and body to rest and rejuvenate, to keep us functioning at an optimal performance level. When adequate sleep is not achieved then our brain function and body capabilities diminish causing symptoms of fatigue, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, mood swings, and weight gain. So why is sleep so important? During sleep our body is physically repairing and rebuilding cellular damage caused from the previous day. As the body renews, hormones and growth are also regulated. Minimal or inconsistent sleep throws off the bodies entire system this happens all too much causing many people to have trouble sleeping or be sleep deprived on a regular basis. Read more...
Is Your Diet Right For You
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Avoid The Most Common Diet Mistakes That Dieters Make
Saturday, December 24, 2011
The Best Diet Tips
Daily Lifestyle Tips To Reduce Wrinkles
Friday, December 23, 2011
Breakfast- The Most Important Meal of The Day
You have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But if this is true then why do most people skip breakfast? There are many reasons why people choose to skip breakfast, some think by skipping breakfast it will help to lose weight, others just feel they don’t have time for breakfast. However, these are part of an incorrect thinking because breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day. By eating a healthy, nutritious breakfast you can maintain a healthy weight while refueling your mind and body for the rest of your day. Read more...
Foods to Reduce & Eliminate Stress
Stress is all around us, at work, at home and on our minds. Stress affects everyone differently, however stress weakens the bodies immune system and depletes the body of essential nutrients. For some stress causes uncontrollable eating. Others go without eating altogether. Neither option is good for the body especially under stressful circumstances. Knowing the best stress reducing foods can help to relax the body and combat stress. Read more...
Thursday, December 22, 2011
How to Achieve Better Health
Now that we are in the 21st century, more people focus has shifted to improving their health. Health is important because ones health determines, how long you will live and what type of quality your life will have. Health is determined by diet, physical fitness, happiness, stress levels, choices and genetics. Genetics is the only part of health that cannot be changed. The rest of the factors determine what type of health one will have. However, no matter what ones present health is, there is always a way you can improve upon it. Poor health is a result of ones lifestyle, it occurs overtime. It takes years of eating unhealthy food breathing in unclean air, not exercising, stressful situations and unhappiness to acquire poor health. But you can get better health by changing these bad aspects of your life. Even the smallest step in the right direction can improve your health significantly. It’s your life; this is how you will achieve better health. Read more...
Foods to Reduce Inflammation
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Basic Care For Healthy Teeth
Protect Your Skin From Damage
Our skin is the largest organ of the body, covering the entire body head to toe. Its primary reason for existence is to protect the body. Therefore, it is our job to protect our skin. This way you maintain a good barrier between your environment and the inside of your body. Plus by protecting your skin, you keep it looking and feeling healthy, because no one likes the look of premature aging. Read more...
Monday, December 19, 2011
Do You Have Allergies?
Right around springtime, when the flowers start to bloom and the bees start to buzz, people with allergies start to sneeze, their eyes start to itch and water. If you are one of these people you know exactly what I’m talking about. Allergies cause a reaction within the body creating symptoms of coughing, burning, itchy eyes, headache, hives, runny nose, skin rashes, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Everyone experiences a different intensity and combination of symptoms. Allergies are very common among humans. Read more...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
What To Eat For Breakfast?
What Causes Frizzy Hair
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Ways to Reduce Frizzy Hair
Friday, December 16, 2011
Lose Weight By Learning How To Run
Running is an exercise that you usually love or hate. Especially if you are overweight, running is not a welcomed part of ones exercise routine. However, running is one exercise that can get you into shape really quickly by burning a ton of calories and working almost every muscle in the body. Though, if you’re not a runner, beginning a running regiment is not an easy task. Read more...
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Home Hair Care To Reduce Frizzy Hair
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Quick Ways To Add Volume & Shine Back Into Your Hair
Monday, December 12, 2011
Natural Homemade Fruit Skin Care
Our skin is the largest organ on our body. It protects us from toxins, chemicals and poisons on a daily basis. Therefore proper skin care is essential to maintaining healthy, soft, beautiful looking skin. Skin care products today contain chemicals and preservatives that can irritate the skin. However home skin care remedies are simple, inexpensive and use all natural ingredients, because you should never put something on your skin that you couldn’t put in your mouth. Read more...
Eat These Hot Foods at the First Sign of a Cold
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Top 5 Gym Equipment For A Fat Burning Workout
Saturday, December 10, 2011
How Exercise Benefits Your Beauty
In a world obsessed by beauty, we’ve spent billions of dollars a year on products to enhance our skin, hair and nails. However, what we don’t realize when we buy and use these beauty products is that there are easier and more natural ways to enhance ones beauty. By eating healthy, living a healthy lifestyle, and exercising you can preserve your beauty from the inside out.
When most people think of reasons to exercise it doesn’t include a clear complexion, blemish free skin, less wrinkles and strong, healthy hair. However that’s exactly what exercise can do for your beauty. Exercise benefits beauty by rewarding you with healthier skin and hair. Exercise reduces wrinkles, restores color and glow to dull skin, decreases acne, and revives weak and brittle hair. So next time you need a motivation to exercise think about your beauty. Going for a walk, doing yoga or working up a sweat around the house can all enhance your beauty. Read more...
Friday, December 9, 2011
Why You Should Use A Personal Trainer To Lose Weight
Do you want to lose weight? Want to join a gym? Well here’s an option for you- consider hiring a personal trainer. Many people are intimidated by personal trainers because they are in great shape, know all about exercising and have great strength and form. For those who are just beginning to exercise or have never been to a gym, they don’t want to look stupid in front of these knowledgeable, experienced and buff people. However, personal trainers could be the best thing for you. Personal trainers know what exercises are best for losing weight, building muscle, increasing flexibility and endurance, they know how many repetitions and sets should be done for each exercise and they know just how hard to push a person to really get them to work hard. Read more...
Natural Allergy Home Remedies To Reduce Your Symptoms
Allergies can occur all year round at the drop of a dime with no warning. Most people know they have allergies because they occur early on in life and there is no cure for allergies. An allergic reaction is an abnormal immune system response to specific stimuli such as dust, smoke, pollen, chemicals, pet dander, oils, cosmetics or food. When your immune system recognizes the presence of an allergen it responds by producing antibodies to protect the body. A chain reaction is then produced causing histamines to be released into the body. Histamines cause a variety of observable symptoms in the body such as coughing, burning, itchy or watery eyes, headache, hives, runny nose, skin rashes, cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. Unfortunately, it is not understood why some people have allergies and some don’t. Read more...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Risk Factors That Could Be Causing Your Acne
Don’t you hate it when you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror to find a red pimple has appeared over night? It's annoying because by popping the pimple you can spread bacteria creating more pimples or reddened inflamed skin, but by leaving it along you have a noticeable embarrassment on your face. Acne is one of the most common skin problems that affect people of all ages, races and gender. Acne is not partial to any one person and can appear without notice. Read more...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
How Often Should You Wash Your Hair
For some people it is a daily procedure for which they feel is necessary. Washing ones hair is required to remove dirt, oil, excess sebum and chemicals from the environment or from hair products. Washing your hair is a general practice in which most people learn from their parents, or hair care specialists (hairdresser, stylist). Where it differs is how often one should wash their hair. Read more...
Sunday, December 4, 2011
A Daily Acne Routine For A Clear Complexion
It’s pretty devastating when you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and notice a pimple has sprouted on your face overnight. Acne is the number one skin problem that people are faced with ion a day-to-day basis. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) about 40 million Americans experience acne at some point throughout their life. Acne isn’t fickle; it doesn’t discriminate between gender, race or age of the people that it affects. Even though it affects many different people, the best treatment for acne is the same for all. Due to the frequent occurrence of acne dermatologists have been able to develop an acne protocol, which eliminates blemishes, and restores beautiful, glowing skin. Acne treatment requires patience and persistence to restore your clear complexion. It takes six to eight weeks to start to see improvement in your skin when using acne treatment and six months to see a clear complexion. Follow this dermatologist recommended routine for blemish free skin. Read more...
When To Use A Detox Tea
Quit Smoking To Stop Signs Premature Aging
As we age our bodies cells begin to deteriorate which causes signs and symptoms of old age such as wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, discoloration, etc. It is these signs that cause a change in our appearance. Although there have been advancements in the average life expectancy, there is still a fascination with looking young and beautiful. This includes having firm, toned, and even skin. There’s no wonder why the market for anti-aging has skyrocketed. However, with the interest in living longer there is also even more interest in living healthier. Therefore many new anti-aging methods involve changing ones lifestyle, avoiding bad habits or adding essential nutrients to ones diet. Read more...
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Ear Candling- The Alternative To Removing EarWax
Thursday, December 1, 2011
16 Reasons to Lose Weight
Most people want to lose weight because of the obvious reasons; they want to look better, be more attractive and they don’t want to be fat because being fat carries a stigma in our society of being lazy and unattractive. Wherever you look skinny people are idolized in magazines, on TV and on the Internet as being popular, attractive and successful. Everyone wants these qualities because it boosts self-esteem, which is something that people who are overweight battle with on a daily basis. From a very young age right up until adulthood, being overweight comes with a self-consciousness. The 21st century has brought about a health craze, now more than ever people are trying to lose weight. With TV shows like the “Biggest Loser” and “Dance You’re A** Off” we are promoting not only losing weight but becoming healthier. There are so many reasons to want to lose weight however the healthier reasons should be closer to the top of the list rather than the aesthetic ones. Use these reasons to motivate you to lose excess weight. Read more...
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