Saturday, December 8, 2012

Antioxidants for Anti Aging Skin Care

woman eating fruit filled with antioxidants for anti agingAnti aging, the ultimate goal to reduce those fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots. There are thousands of anti aging products available in today’s beauty driven society. But what if I told you the best anti aging treatment is good old natural anti aging skin care. You don’t need fancy anti aging skin creams, serums, or facemasks. Natural anti aging comes from nutrients we put into your bodies. Fruits, vegetables, and plant extracts contain phytochemicals and phytonutrients that act as an anti aging treatment. These chemical compounds are beneficial to our skin and beauty. One class of phytonutrients that is vital for anti aging skin care is antioxidants. Read more...

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Natural Heartburn Cure By Strengthening the LES

couple eating healthy foods to cure acid refluxFor the thousands of people who experience heartburn on a daily basis without any relief, its time to try a natural remedy for acid reflux. Heartburn symptoms include pain in the chest, burning in the throat, difficulty swallowing, and in chronic cases a persistent cough, hoarseness, and sore throat. Read more...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Walk Off The Weight

man and woman walking on the beach for exercise       
More than half of Americans would like to lose weight. But less than half of that number are seriously trying to lose weight. There are tons of ways to lose weight, but one of the most effective forms of exercise is walking. Walking off the weight is easy, affordable, and can be done anywhere.  It doesn’t require a gym membership, extra exercise equipment or a personal trainer. So why not start walking to lose weight? Read more...

How Laser Therapy Can Treat Your Acne

patient getting ready for laser acne treatment           Acne is those painful, red lesions that appear on your skin usually at the worst possible moment. Acne is formed due to blocked oil glands in the skin that become inflamed and the gland or hair follicle ruptures. There are a lot of treatments available for acne, OTC, prescriptions, creams, and medications, oral and topical. For the many who see results, there are plenty who see inadequate results and are still struggling with acne. However, those people may be in luck, because a new acne treatment is available, laser therapy for acne. Although laser and light based acne treatments have been around for over 10 years, it has just begun to gain popularity. That’s because it’s faster, safer, and has no side effects. Read more...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Natural Ways to Relieve Migraine Headaches

  It’s estimated that only 1% of the population escapes having a headache throughout their entire life. About 90% of the population get at least one headache each year. And of that 16-17% of the population gets a migraine headache at some point in their lifetime. Migraines affect 30 million Americans with more than three times of them being women.  Because headaches are such a common condition its easy for people to confuse migraines and headaches. Read more...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Herbal Remedies for Acid Reflux & Heartburn

stomach irritation that leads to acid reflux and hearburn  It’s estimated that 20% of the population suffer from heartburn, indigestion or acid reflux at least once a week. Acid reflux and heartburn occur when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) allows acid from the stomach to flow back up into the esophagus. This causes pain, burning and discomfort in the chest. Read more...

How Acupuncture Can Benefit Your Health

acupuncture points on the meridians within the body
Acupuncture was first used in China over 2000 years ago. It is one of the oldest medical procedures in the world. Acupuncture is the basic foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the belief that there are two opposing and inseparable forces within the body known as the Yin and Yang. Acupuncture stimulates the anatomy of the body in an effort to balance the energy flow throughout the entire body. Read more...

Friday, November 2, 2012

What You Need to Know About Your Acne Scars

woman hiding her face with her hands, acne scars

When acne appears on the skin there is actually an infection within below the surface of the skin. The problem with acne is that when pimples, blackheads, whiteheads or zits appear the first reaction is to get rid of them by popping them. Unfortunately popping pimples causes irritation to the pores and surrounding skin. Due to the underlying acne infection the body is already trying to fight the infection and repair the infected site. By popping the pimples the body has to work harder to repair the entire area of skin. Unfortunately, the skin can never fully repair to its original texture, color, or state. A scar forms as a sign of repair. Acne scars are not always visible to the naked eye, however this will depend upon the type of scar formation that occurs, loss of tissue or increased tissue formation. Read more...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

No One Likes Acne

no one likes to experience acneAcne- just the word itself has a negative connotation and leaves a bad taste in your mouth. No one wants it and no one likes it. But it is a problem that occurs on a daily basis throughout homes across the globe. No matter what age, gender or race you are, you can’t escape it when it occurs. Read more...

The Healing Power of Aloe Vera

aloe, aloe vera, aloe vera juice, aloe vera gel, aloe vera heals               
 Like many other herbs, spices and plant compounds, there is not much scientific evidence supporting the use of Aloe Vera either internally or externally for cosmetic or therapeutic benefit. However, Aloe Vera has been used for well over 2000 years in herbal, alternative and holistic medicine all over the world. Even in today’s marketplace Aloe Vera is widely available in all different forms gels, crèmes & juices, by itself and featured within other skin, hair and beauty products. Read more...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Improve Ones Health by Making Small Changes

woman drinking water, improve health, better health, small changes to improve healthSo you want to improve your health? First take a good look at how you got to where you are now. Do you make wise, healthy decisions when it comes to your health? Do you eat healthy, exercise enough, and get enough sleep? Improving ones health is all about changing the decisions you are making now that have lead you to the poor state of health you are in now. Even making small changes to your lifestyle choices can have a huge impact on your overall health down the line. Here is a list of small changes that can start you on your way to better health. Read more...

How the Choices We Make Determine Our Health

eating strawberries, healthy choices, choose healthy living, choose health, better healthThe choices you make in life will determine how healthy you are overall. And your health is important because it will determine the quality of life you lead. We are all born with one body and that body can only take you as far as you are willing to take care of it. That being said, what state of health is your body, mind and spirit in today? For many, improving ones health is an on going struggle.  That’s because we are born with free will, to make our own decisions and its hard not to be persuaded by temptation to lead you off the path to better health. Read more...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

4 Ways to Relieve Constipation

1. Take Magnesium at Bedtime
The mineral magnesium is a natural muscle relaxant and helps with nerve function. By taking 300 mg of magnesium before you go to bed, it encourages your intestines to move food along while you are asleep. This makes it easier to go to the bathroom when you get up in the morning, thus reducing the chances for constipation. Read more...

6 Easy Ways to Prevent Arthritis

1. Lose Some Weight
The extra weight from excess pounds puts added stress on your joints, which overtime can cause degeneration. By simply losing a few pounds a year you can greatly reduce your risk for arthritis. Less weight means less wear and tear on your joints. Just another reason to lose weight.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stay Hydrated With These Foods

Water is an important nutrient that you need to replenish on a daily basis. We lose water through perspiration, aspiration and respiration. Every cell in the body needs water to properly function. Dehydration can cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, and sluggishness. Therefore it’s important to properly hydrate throughout the day. But if you forget to bring a water bottle to sip on, munch on some hydrating foods. They contribute to your water intake and fill you up keeping you feeling satiated so you don’t snack on extra calories. Foods with high water content provide the body with the added of fiber, electrolytes and vitamins. Fruit and vegetables are loaded with water so keep so me of these close at hand to snack on to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Read more...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Steps to Reduce Frizz in Your Daily Hair Care Routine

Frizzy hair can ruin your hairstyle or even cause you to have a bad hair day. Now a days there are even more ways than ever to keep frizz at an arms length, whether you wear your hair straight or curly, or go outside or stay indoors. Frizz occurs when moisture enters the hair cuticle causing it to swell. Take steps to reduce your frizz throughout your hair care routine. To prevent frizz you must start at the very beginning, in the shower, then continue with drying, and styling. The right products, treatments and techniques will seal the hair cuticle to protect your hair from frizzing. Read more...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Simple, Easy Changes To Lose Weight

There are two key ways to lose weight, exercise and proper nutrition. However, ramping up exercise and paring down on calories is a hard task to accomplish. Staying on track and avoiding temptation is hard when you’re trying to lose weight, it takes a lot of determination and motivation. But there are some easy, simple, and zero effort ways to enhance your weight loss. By making slight changes to your daily habits you can shed those pounds you want to lose. Read more...

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Diet For Glowing Skin


For as much as we pay for face soaps, facial scrubs, acne creams, moisturizers, we could be looking in our kitchen to get even better results. Its important to wash our skin because we get environmental pollutants on our skin daily however its just as important to feed our body and our skin from the inside with the appropriate nutrients to continue to see soft, smooth, glowing skin on the outside. Read more...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Acne Prevention, Treatment & Correction

Acne, pimples, zits, blackheads, whiteheads, blemishes, whatever you want to call them, they appear out of nowhere to ruin your day. No one wants acne, especially on ones face. Getting rid of acne is about prevention, treatment and correction. Preventing acne is about keeping your skin and pores clean, protecting your skin from damage, and using the right products. Acne treatments are about using the right products to clean out your pores and reduce the inflammation caused by acne. Correction means breaking bad habits and using the right tools to lighten the scars. Read more...

Monday, July 30, 2012

Problems That Arise From the Accumulation of Earwax

Earwax that yellow/orange, sticky stuff you get in your ear is actually the body’s way of protecting your inner ear drum. It is actually a liquid secreted by the cerumen glands present in the ear canals. When secreted it lines the outer ear canal to trap dust, dirt, environmental pollutants, or even bugs from getting into the eardrum. Although the main purpose of earwax is to protect the internal structure of the ear, if left alone earwax can buildup overtime and cause serious problems. Soreness, irritation, difficulty hearing, ringing, or deafness are all symptoms of excessive earwax accumulation. Read more...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

3 Key Herbs in Detox Teas to Promote the Cleansing Process

The body has its own system for cleansing and eliminating toxins on a daily basis. However with the change in the way we process our foods, the additives and chemical used, the increased pollution and pills, medications and drugs we put in our systems, its no wonder why our liver may need some extra help. If our bodies become overloaded, especially with chemicals, toxins and pollutants then our excretory system, which includes our kidneys, liver, and lungs can slow down or become backed up. If these toxins remain in our body then they can be reabsorbed which can cause harm. A detox tea made of beneficial herbs can cleanse your body and stimulate the elimination process. Read more...

4 Safe & Effective Standing Ab Exercises

One of people’s major problem areas on the body is the stomach. That’s because for many, fat accumulates around the midsection. Once this starts to happen, it is hard for people to lose weight around the core. Most of abdominal exercises require people to lie on their back on the floor, which can be uncomfortable especially for people with low back injuries or people who have problems getting up and down from laying position. What most people don’t realize is that you can exercise the abdominals standing up just as much as you can lying down. Read more...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

3 Classic Core Exercises To Sculpt Your Abs

Working the core muscles in the body will not only burn fat and calories but it will also sculpt your abdominals, build core strength and protect your back from injury. Many back injuries are caused because the abdominal muscles are weak and cannot protect the lower back in times of need. Plus working the midsection is necessary to get rid of a pot belly, belly flat, and the spare tire caused by excess fat accumulation. Although there are tons of exercise equipment companies out there claiming that their product reduces belly fat, the best way is to use classic core exercises. By performing these exercises you can build and measure the strength of your abdominal muscles in three different directions. Read more...

Monday, July 23, 2012

10 Of The Best Summer Produce To Eat

Summer is a time for sun in the fun, picnics, and days at the beach, barbecues and lots of fresh produce like strawberries, watermelon, corn on the cob, tomatoes, etc. Summer is the best time to head to the farmers market; roadside fruit stands, and produce markets. Locally grown produce is sold cheap due to the abundance of fruits and vegetables available this time of year. This makes summer the best time of year to buy plenty of fruits and vegetables. Load up on the multicolor cornucopia of nutrients that this summer’s produce provides. Read more...

Friday, July 20, 2012

Eat These Foods To Ease Your Digestive Troubles

The food we put into our bodies directly affects our digestion. More than half of the American people have digestive problems. And eating the right types of foods with the appropriate nutrients can help many of these problems. Specific nutrients in healthy foods will naturally balance the digestive system, easing ones digestive problems. Eat foods containing nutrients and enzymes to aid in your digestion. Read more...

Friday, July 13, 2012

At Work Exercises

In today’s busy world, who has time workout besides professional athletes and people who are aspiring to be professional athletes. Unfortunately because of the sedentary lifestyle that we live our muscles become atrophied and we as a society get fatter. So like many people do, we decide to try working out. But where in our busy schedule do we fit it in? It is pretty difficult if you work 12 hour days, have kids to take care of, families to feed, a house to clean, laundry and dishes to do, there just isn’t enough time throughout the day to everything we want to do. Believe me I’ve tried it, waking up at 5am to workout before you go to work for 12 hours then come home cook dinner, feed the animals, clean the house, do the dishes and by the time you sit down you’re exhausted and its time for bed. Read more...

Arthritis exercise tips

Exercising for people with arthritis is not about looking good or losing weight (even if this is a secondary result). Exercising for arthritis sufferers is about increasing circulation, improving flexibility and increasing strength to reduce pain, inflammation and swelling of the joints. It is an important part of arthritis pain relief and should be considered part of one’s daily routine. Don’t think of it as a chore but as a way to live pain free and happy.  There are some important things to know when you start your exercise routine so you can motivate yourself to keep going and don’t overdo yourself. Read more...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Aloe Vera Juice

The Aloe Vera plant has been used for thousands of years as an herbal remedy for the skin, digestion, the reproductive system and detoxification. Although there are over 400 species of aloe, Aloe Vera, which means true aloe has several health benefits for internal and external use.
    Aloe gel is commonly used to treat skin conditions such as burns, eczema, and cuts. For burns the aloe will reduce redness and heat, as well as soothing and easing the pain of the burn. When you have a cut, the aloe gel acts like a bandage and prevents infection by increasing the healing process. For other skin conditions such as eczema, Aloe Vera gel decreases inflammation and reduces itching sensations. Read more...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adult Acne

The is a common misconception about acne- it starts in the teenage years and goes away as you age into your 20’s. This is completely bogus. Acne can occur anytime through the lifecycle, which means you could have acne earlier than your teen years, during your teenage years or as an adult. Most people who have acne problems during their teenage year will continue to have acne issues into adulthood, but this is not always the case.
    Adult acne can appear for several reasons, however the treatment for adult acne should be different than when you are a teen because your body and your skin is different, it has aged. There for it is important to take proper care of your skin, especially when adult acne appears. Read more...

Arthritis Exercise

     One recommended way to reduce and relieve your painful arthritis symptoms is through exercise. Doctors recommend it and patients sometimes decide to do it on their own. Either way it is an integral part of slowing down the progression of arthritis symptoms. Thirty minutes of daily activity is recommended to patients who are suffering with arthritis pain. Although, this seems like a lot the objective is to make your activity fun and motivating so that you will continue with the regiment. Read more...

Aloe Vera for your Mouth

Aloe Vera has been very effective in healing sunburns and skin problems. However Aloe Vera is also used in the treatment of wounds and as a pain reliever. Even though, researchers are still determining all of Aloe Vera’s healing abilities, it has been proven to aid in the healing of tooth and gum problems as well.  Read more...

Cause of Back Pain

Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Do you wake up because of aching, burning pain in your back? Back pain is problem that is steadily rising in prevalence. Many people suffer from back pain that is inexplicable. One day, all of sudden there it is, as if it appeared out of thin air. Read more...

Arm Exercises

Strength training is an integral part of building and toning our muscles. It is important when building muscle to work both muscles front and back to strength the muscles equally. Unfortunately, in most circumstances people who start strength training by themselves don’t know how important this is. So ultimately they end up building up the muscles disproportionately. They work only the muscles on the front side of the body leaving the muscles in the back weak and untoned. Read more...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Migraine Management

Migraines are painful syndromes that attack men and women all over the world on a daily basis, some with no relief. Managing and treating migraines is an ongoing process because of the increasing number of triggers, treatments and prescriptions available. Not to mention that not everyone experiences the same symptomology or can get relief from the same treatment. The objective for people who suffer from migraines is to empower yourself to manage the symptoms, the onset and the treatment of each migraine that may occur. Read more...

Antioxidants for the Skin

Want a younger, fresher, glowing complexion? Isn’t that what every girl wants. Well now there is an all-natural way to get it, and stay healthy at that. The key is antioxidants. Antioxidants inhibit oxidation. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that produces free radicals. Free radicals damage cells, which cause disease, illness, and infection. Antioxidants remove the free radicals from the body therefore decreasing the chance of disease occurrence. Read more...

Acne the Basics

Did you ever wake up and look in the mirror to find a pimple on your face. It’s a shock that is very discouraging. A blemish causes feeling of self-consciousness, doubt and frustration.  So what happened between the night before when you went to bed that all of a sudden causes a pimple to appear in the morning?
    Several different things can cause acne. For some people they get a few pimples and in a couple weeks they clear up but for others their face, back, chest and arms are covered with these pustules.  Most pimples occur due to dirt, sweat or grime that has built up in the pores. When this occurs the follicles become blocked and oxygen cannot get through the pores. So you may be wondering where this dirt comes from? Well, most of it is naturally occurring throughout ones day. If you touch your face and your hands are dirty, or you sweat or you’re around a lot of smoke. If you don’t drink enough water. Still pimples can occur when during adolescence when the body is going through hormonal changes. Read more...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Alternative Migraine Treatments

Migraine headaches are a neurological condition that occurs physiologically. People, who suffer from migraine headaches can experience a wide variety of symptoms including nausea, vomiting, altered body perception, disturbance of vision and severe headaches. It can cause debilitating effects, causing someone to miss work, or school for sometimes more than one day. Unfortunately, there has been no proven cause of migraines. It has been linked to several different theories such as genetic, but nothing is concrete. Read more...

Acne Myths

Acne is a perpetual problem for humans all over the world. One day it appears and causes pain, humiliation and anger for the person whose face it appears on. Those little red, painful pimples that everyone notices within the first 10 seconds of seeing your face. Acne is not bias or gender specific, it occurs through all age ranges and all cultures with no discrimination. Read more...

7 Step Head Massage

Stress, and tension can build up in your shoulders, neck and head. Ultimately this can lead to headaches, or migraines. Relieving your stress is not always an easy task. Although, massage therapists seem to know exactly what areas to work on when you tell them a headache is your problem. That is because massage therapists learn about all of the pressure points on the head and the entire body. Knowing the simple techniques of a head massage can be crucial to reducing your headache symptoms. Read more...

Monday, July 2, 2012

How Can You Determine Appropriate Portion Size?

Most people in the US are overeating. The amount of food we put on our plates is way too much. This is because most people have no idea what the actual portion sizes of different food groups should be in the first place. Plus fast food chains and restaurants sell oversized portions of cheap, fatty foods. Eating larger
serving sizes increases the intake of calories and can ultimately lead to weight gain and obesity. Knowing how much of one food makes up a portion size is important to losing or maintaining weight. Most people don’t feel they have the time to measure out their food everyday. However if you can visually compare the amount of food for each serving size to a common object in your home it will make it easier for you to know how many calories you are consuming. This way you can track your food intake and manage your weight.  Read more...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Foods to Detoxify & Manage Weight

Foods rich in fiber and loaded with nutrients will naturally help to curb your appetite. You will feel fuller for longer, reducing your risk for snacking or overeating. In addition these foods help to filter, cleanse and detoxify your digestive tract, which can be limiting your ability to extract nutrients from your food and be an accessory to extra weight gain. The body has its own ways for cleaning the system, but these foods have natural cleansing properties, which help boost, the body’s capabilities to remove indigestible and unnecessary food particles, preservatives, coloring and additives. Read more...

Foods to Eat to Prevent the Signs of Aging

Anti aging isn’t just about aborting the aging process, its more about avoiding those signs of aging on our skin, hair and nails, which tell our true age. Looking and feeling younger is all about the nutrients we feed our body, which reflects outward through our skin, hair and nails. Glowing skin, shiny hair, strong nails can all be accomplished through the foods you eat. Stop paying way too much for skin creams, hair products and nail treatments, which don’t deliver exactly what you want. Consume these fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, herbs and spices to reveal youthful skin, full hair and long nails. Read more...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Foods That Fight Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation is the body’sse to harmful stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells, irritants, or infection. Inflammation is the body’s way of attempting to protect itself by removing injurious stimuli and initiating the healing process. The inflammatory response causes a cascade of biochemical events within the body. Swelling, redness, pain, heat, and loss of function can appear within minutes or hours of harmful stimuli. During acute inflammation these symptoms will cease once the stimulus is removed.  Prolonged inflammation, which is known as chronic inflammation, can lead to a wide range of degenerative disease such as hay fever, periodontitis, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, eczema, IBS, depression, and Parkinson’s. Chronic inflammation occurs when the inflammatory response in the body malfunctions and doesn’t completely stop releasing pro inflammatory immune cells. This causes simultaneous destruction and healing because the excess immune cells damage healthy areas of the body which cause a more inflammatory responses. Slowly but surely inflammation can spread throughout the body. To reduce chronic inflammation a healthy diet loaded with anti-inflammatory foods is needed. Cut out trans fat and refined carbohydrates and replace them with natural anti-inflammatory foods, which were once so prevalent in our diets. Include a wide variety of these foods in your diet to rid your body of inflammation and bolster your immune system. Read more...

Foods Filled With Antioxidants

Antioxidants have been getting a lot of buzz recently and for good cause. Antioxidants fight against free radicals, which can cause cell damage or death. This can lead to increased signs of aging, disease, and lowered immune systems. Foods filled with antioxidants provide the body with vital nutrients and energy to fight disease, infections and aging. Read more...


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Most Popular Types of Massage Therapy

There are over 100 different types of massage practiced in today’s society. Each one uses different techniques, strokes and instruments throughout the massage to accomplish the ultimate goal of healing. For each different type of massage there is a specific training, hands on hours and state licensing test before the masseurs are able to practice their craft. The different massage techniques are similar in their philosophy that massage therapy is the manipulation of muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, fascia, and joints of the body. Read more...

Monday, June 18, 2012

Why People Gain Weight

Weight gain is normally an unwanted side effect of overeating, insufficient physical activity, slow metabolism, excess stress, health problems, and consumption of medications. It is rare that anyone is happy about gaining weight. Rather most people are trying to lose weight. Weight gain can be attributed to eating an unhealthy diet, not getting enough exercise, having too much stress, or even to health problems.   To find out why you’re gaining eight take a look at your lifestyle to find the areas where you can improve your life and stop unwanted weight gain. Read more...

Better Health-Live Your Life to the Fullest

Health should be the most important thing in one’s life. Even if at times we don’t always think so. However, our lifestyles are so fast paced that sometimes we don’t stop to realize we need to take care of our health everyday. We were born with just one life and one body.  Health used to be defined as the absence of disease, however now health is achieved through the presence of complete physical, mental and social well-being.  Several factors including biology, environment, lifestyle and healthcare services determine one’s level of health. Optimal health is an on going process of continuing to maintain and improve lifestyle and environment. Read more...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Add These Foods To Your Diet For Weight Loss

Why do we eat?  The most basic reason is hunger, however with the growing rate of obesity this shows us that people eat for more reasons than just hunger. People eat out of boredom, loneliness, hunger, or deprivation. All of which can lead to excessive overeating and added weight gain. By choosing the right foods to eat when you are actually hungry you can limit cravings to eat for these other reasons. Superfoods contain essential nutrients that the body needs to properly function. When the body is functioning optimally it will speed up your metabolism, boosting calorie burning, making it easier to lose weight. Superfoods contain fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which play a role in how your body responds to calorie absorption and fat cells. Superfoods tend to be lower in calories and take the body longer to digest. This leaves you feeling fuller for longer, giving you less reasons to eat unneeded calories. They also provide the body with a steady flow of energy, keeping the metabolism working to burn more calories. By adding these foods into your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks you can lose weight and feel great. Read more...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Importance of Vitamin C

         Vitamin C plays a vital role in how the body functions, even though it is only considered a micronutrient. Vitamin C is essential to immune function, iron absorption, bone building, wound healing, healthy skin, blood pressure and eyesight. Because vitamin C is vital to so many of the bodies functioning maintaining appropriate levels within the body is important. Vitamin C acts as a catalyst within the body, speeding up chemical reactions using less energy. Without these catalysts due to a deficiency, normal body functions breakdown, exposing the body to disease.

What are the Health Benefits of the Pomegranate Fruit?

If you have never eaten a pomegranate, you don’t know what you’re missing! Pomegranates are not just a fruit; pomegranates are a super food filled with healthy vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. With more and more research being done on the health benefits of pomegranates we are learning more about how this powerful fruit can keep our bodies healthy. Read more....

Vitamins that Treat Acne

In Naturopathic medicine, the belief is that acne is caused by imbalances within the body. These imbalances can be mental, physical or spiritual. Physical imbalances include toxicity of the blood and lymph nodes and deficiencies of essential vitamins and minerals. Due to the inadequate American diet, the limited amount of exercise and sleep, and the extensive amount of stress that we deal with on a daily basis, vitamin and mineral deficiencies have become more and more prevalent in today’s society. Therefore the best acne treatment would be supplementation of adequate vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the health of skin, hormone balance, and a strong immune system. The vitamins and minerals that impact acne are vitamins A, B, C, E and zinc, and chromium.  They not only influence the occurrence, and reoccurrence of acne but also the amount of acne that can appear on the skin.  By adding these vitamins and minerals into your diet, you can eliminate acne from your skin and can have a healthy and radiant complexion.  Read more...

The Many Uses of Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been growing in popularity since the 1970’s, but was discovered for its powerful antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties in the 1920’s. Tea tree oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the tea tree plant also known as Melaleuca Alternifolia. An oil is said to be essential when the extraction bears the scent or essence of the plant. Tea tree oil is clear with a hint of yellow and has a strong, medical scent, due to its chemical compounds terpineol, cineol, pinene, and terpinene. Initially used in aromatherapy and naturopathic medicine, tea tree oil is now being use in all sorts of medical and home applications. Read more...

Stave Off Disease With Anti Aging Foods

     When people think about anti aging, they mainly think about their skin health, however anti aging pertains to the whole body not just its largest organ. Signs of aging appear as we get older and our metabolism slows, our bones brittle and our joints become stiff an achy. Premature aging occurs visually on the skin, internally on a cellular level and ultimately increases the risk for disease. Signs of aging range from wrinkles, and fine lines to weight gain, memory loss, declining muscle mass, bone loss, vision loss, gum disease, tooth decay, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s all of which can be avoided. Degeneration in the body is inevitable however through the appropriate nutrients you can stave off aging temporarily. A healthy diet filled with fruits, vegetables, protein, omega 3 fatty acids, whole grains and the occasional dark chocolate, red wine, coffee, tea, and nuts will reduce cellular damage from free radicals and keep chronic inflammation at bay. You can reduce your risk of diseases associated with aging and ultimately lead a longer and healthier life. Read more...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Essential Oils to Treat Acne

Have you tried every acne treatment that you could get your hands on, both over the counter, and pharmaceutical but had no success at treating your acne? Are you just thoroughly fed up with your acne? If you feel like you have tried everything and still haven’t gotten the results that you want then maybe it is time you tried a natural acne treatment such as essential oils. Natural acne treatments consist up organic, or natural products that don’t contain chemicals or additives that can actually harm your skin.  Organic products are better for your skin because they don’t contain harsh chemicals that can hurt or dehydrate your skin. Natural remedies that use fruits, vegetables or extracts from plants and herbs are better for the body because they are grown from the earth and contain phytochemicals that are great for our health. These products normally have medicinal qualities that act like an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic or analgesic. Not only will it promote healthy skin but also it will clean and clear up any sign of acne. Now is the time to try essential oils to treat and cure your acne. Read more...

More Reasons You Need to Eat Breakfast In The Morning

   Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it really is! Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism, provides your body with essential nutrients, helps maintain a healthy weight and protects you from disease. Even with the facts about how important breakfast is, 30% of Americans still skip breakfast. Why? Because many people feel they don’t have the time for breakfast or they don’t like breakfast foods, or they think that by skipping breakfast they can avoid adding extra calories to their diet and lose weight. However, none of these reasons are good enough or factual enough to actually skip breakfast altogether. Making time for breakfast has enormous health benefits and can actually help to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Here are some powerful reasons to start or continue eating breakfast in the morning. Read more...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Foods to Fight Acne Breakouts

            For years people have been saying that pizza, French fries, chips, cookies and junk foods cause acne breakouts. In actuality there is no proven evidence that shows the connection to specific foods causing acne. Eating unhealthy carbohydrates sets off a chain reaction within the body causing the release of insulin, changing hormone levels in the body, which increases oil production and cellular multiplication. Increased sebum and cellular turnover can clog pores causing blackheads, zits and pimples. That’s why it’s important to eat a healthy diet rich in essential nutrients. Read more...

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